To accomplish this task, the Research Library has formed a DEI steering committee which will lead the Library’s efforts. A current project the committee is completing includes further developing the collection with more DEI resources. Information about other DEI initiatives stemming from this committee will be forthcoming. Find the committee’s charge below.
Charge: The DEI steering committee will provide a formalized structure to consistently investigate and lead DEI initiatives as they relate to the Research Library in order to “Provide an inclusive and equitable environment that encourages intellectual curiosity and collaboration, and respects diversity of thought, perspective, experience, and people” (Research Library Strategic Plan 2021-2026).
The Research Library is in an ideal position to lead DEI initiatives, as it aligns directly with the mission of the profession’s oldest and most prominent organization, the American Library Association (ALA). Section B.3 of the ALA Policy Manual states “Libraries can and should play a crucial role in empowering diverse populations for full participation in a democratic society” (ALA Policy Manual). It goes on to charge library personnel with the task of proactively dismantling barriers to services faced by diverse communities.
Many other entities in library and information fields have formed committees to face this charge proactively, notably the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) and many University libraries, such as the University of Oregon Libraries and Emory University Libraries. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is an example of what laboratories are doing to foster an environment of inclusivity and support DEI initiatives.
The DEI steering committee will also uphold the LANL “Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, and Diversity” program’s mission “to create and sustain an organizational culture and working environment that provides all employees with an equal opportunity to maximize their potential within the context of the Laboratory’s mission” (No: PD712).