American Institute of Physics (AIP) recently announced that two of its’ influential journals, Physics of Plasmas and Journal of Applied Physics have both flipped to a 100% open access model through participation in AIP Publishing’s Subscribe to Open (S2O) pilot effort in 2024.
“This switch to open access (OA) is a result of our institutional subscribers renewing their subscriptions and supporting the S2O pilot program,” said Penelope Lewis, Chief Publishing Officer at AIP Publishing. “For authors, this means the ability to increase the reach and impact of their work by publishing OA in either journal under a Creative Commons license of their choosing without incurring any costs in 2024. Content published in each journal this year is open for all to read in perpetuity.”
Researchers at the Laboratory have been steadfastly publishing their work in these AIP journals. Since 1994, LANL authors have published 1,012 articles in Physics of Plasmas. Journal of Applied Physics has featured 1,296 LANL authored manuscripts to date.
Content published in each journal this year is open for all to read in perpetuity.
The Research Library has a multi-year Read & Publish agreement with AIP, which currently covers article processing charges (APCs) in 2024 for other AIP journal titles that are still under the traditional subscription (closed) model. Read more about the ongoing Open Access Publishing Support initiatives through the Research Library to increase equitable access and further enable open science for all.
Read the full AIP S2O press release.